Dog Units

Imagine a security approach that combines the loyalty and prowess of trained canines with modern expertise – that’s where RK9 steps in. A force that brings unparalleled protection to your property; whether you’re safeguarding an office complex, warehouse, or retail space across the UK, the need for comprehensive security is undeniable.

Emergency Ready

With the ability to manage alarm responses, and property lock services, our dog units are as versatile as they are effective.

Holistic Protection

Our multi-layered defence strategy that ensures your property is safeguarded at all levels.

Visible Deterrence

Our solution of security dogs and officers delivers a visible and proactive deterrent, significantly reducing the vulnerability to security breaches.

Tailored Security

Benefit from a security solution tailored to your property’s unique needs, ensuring a precisely suited defence strategy.

Our Clients and Happy Partnerships  

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